Installing the Photo Album


First, download the applet--click here.

It's easy to put the Photo Album onto your web pages--even if you don't know HTML. All you have to do is "cut and paste" a few lines of HTML code just below the "<body>" tag of your file. If you don't know how to do this, read on. If you already know how to change your HTML code, you can skip down to "How to Customize your Photo Album."

The code below is the "basic" HTML for the Photo Album applet.

You can add the Photo Album to your pages by following these simple steps:

  1. Go into the File Manager using your member name and password.
  2. Select the HTML file you wish to edit.
  3. Select the Advanced Editor--It should already be selected. Then click the "EDIT" button.
  4. Your HTML code will appear in the Advanced Editor window. Find the "" tag:
  5. By clicking and dragging, select and then "copy" the Photo Album code above.
  6. Then insert, or "paste" it after the "" tag on the HTML page where you wish to place the applet. (Useful Hint: Control+"C" will Copy the selected area and Control+"V" will Paste)

What next?

Now that your Photo Album is installed, you must customize your applet by selecting a frame color and choosing which images you want to include in your album. This is much more simple than you'd think. Read on to find out how...

How to Customize your Photo Album

Below is the "extended" HTML source code for the Photo Album applet. Don't worry if you don't understand all of it, the main parts that you need to be concerned with are the segments in bold lettering. These are the parts (or parameters) that you can change so that you can personalize your Photo Album. Take a quick look at the code, then skip down to the first feature...

Changing the Photo Album's Frame and Background color

Changing the Photo Album's Frame and Background c o l o r

Here is the line that defines the Frame color of your Photo Album.

In this example, the "3080C0" represents the "hex" number that tells your browser to produce one shade of blue. If you are unfamiliar with "hex" numbers, don't worry. They range from the number "0" to the letter "f", (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f). From these there are thousands of combinations of color to choose from, if you enter "ffffcc", you will get a light yellow. "cccccc" will turn it to gray, "ff0033" is one shade of red. (HTML Note:These numbers are the same as the "bgcolor" attribute you may use in the "" tag (), except without the "#" symbol.

To find the color codes for the 216 Netscape colors, click here. (Note: Your browser must be Netscape 3 compatible or higher).

The background color which is the first color that appears in the album window can be changed in the very same way. Mix and match the frame and background colors to suit your taste and the rest of your page's look and feel.

Adding your own images

Before you can use the Photo Album, you must select the images you want to use in the Album.

<PARAM name="image0" value="image1.jpg">

This parameter above defines which image to place first in your album. Images can be obtained from a number of sources: scanned photos, digital images, images captured off the web by right clicking over them and saving them on your hard drive as image files, or images that you have created on your PC.

In place of "image1.jpg", you should place the name of your image file. The applet accepts both *.GIF and *.JPG files. If you do not know the name of your image files, go into Windows Explorer and look for files that end in the suffix *jpg or *.gif.

You can include as many images as you would like in your album. Just be sure to number them sequentially starting at zero. For example:

<PARAM name="image0" value="jana.jpg">
<PARAM name="image1" value="bill.jpg">
<PARAM name="image2" value="jay.jpg">
<PARAM name="image3" value="marisa.jpg">

NOTE: The images are NOT resized in the album. Images that are smaller than the album interface are centered in the screen. Images that are larger are centered in the screen and the excess is not shown. If it is important to you to have all of the images completely show in the album, you will need to resize them to fit the album interface size that you have chosen.

Note: The album default interface size is WIDTH=440 HEIGHT=360; this can be changed to any size you wish.

Very Important!

Be certain to upload all the images that you have chosen to use in the applet. Also, check to make sure that the image names used in the applet's HTML code are identical in spelling as well as "CASE" with those that you have uploaded.

A word about image file sizes

Image files can be quite large, especially *.jpg files. You should consider this when you choose image files for display in your album. While the applet itself is less than 30 K, image files greater than 50 K will slow the applet's performance down considerably due to the longer downloads required for larger files. The size of image files can be reduced using many commonly available graphics software tools.

Changing other parameters

While the default settings are fine for most purposes, the applet's other parameters such as the length of each transition, the minimum frames per transition, the transitions to be used, and the order of those transitions, can all be changed as well.

Below are the other parameters that can be customized.

<PARAM name="transtime" value="8000">

With this parameter, you can specify the duration time for each transition. It should be specified in milliseconds. If you for example, want a duration of 8 seconds for each transition, then a value of 8000 (milliseconds) should be used.

<PARAM name="minframenr" value="90">

If the applet is used on a slow computer, it might happen that only a few frames will have time to be shown during the specified transition time. You can use this parameter to specify a minimum number of frames each transition should have. If the computer is too slow to show this number of frames, the "transtime" value will be overridden so that the transition time will be long enough to display approximately "minframenr" number of frames. The higher the "minframenr" value, the smoother the transition. Range: 70-150

<PARAM name="bgcolor" value="000000">

This parameter specifies the color that will be shown on the image display before the first image has been rendered. Some transitions will also use this parameter. Use the same RRGGBB format as for the "standardui.maincolor" parameter. Here again do not use the "#" symbol prior to the code as you would in standard HTML.

<PARAM name="fxmod0" value="burnfxmod">
<PARAM name="fxmod1" value="pixel3fxmod">
<PARAM name="fxmod2" value="hbombfxmod">
<PARAM name="fxmod3" value="pixel2fxmod">
<PARAM name="fxmod4" value="rotatefxmod">
<PARAM name="fxmod5" value="pixelfxmod">
<PARAM name="fxmod6" value="shatterfxmod">

Specifies the transition effects that will be used. The value of fxmod0 will be the effect that will be used first, fxmod1 the effect that will be used next and so on... The standard effects available are "burnfxmod", "pixelfxmod", "pixel2fxmod", "pixel3fxmod", "hbombfxmod", "shatterfxmod" and "rotatefxmod". The are no limitations to which effects you use, or what order you use them, provided the first effect is listed as fxmod0 and so on.

IMPORTANT! Do not change anything except the parts of the HTML which have been identified above.