Mrs. Skinner's
Student Expectations
  1. Regular Attendance: You can't do well in school if you aren't here!
  2. Bring Required Materials to Class:  Always have a pencil, pen, paper, and folder.
  3. Complete Assignments Correctly, Accurately, and On Time:  Late assignments will not be accepted without prior arrangements.  If you miss a day, you have one day to make up missed work. You are responsible for finding out what you miss when you are absent.
  4. Use Computers Properly and Ethically:  Follow all computer use rules.  Violations will be dealt with appropriately.
  5. Comply With Network User Agreement:  There will be no leniency afforded to anyone who violates any portion of the school network agreement.
  6. Have a Good Attitude:  Everyone has bad days. Don't let a bad day make you a bad person to be around.
  7. Respect Each Other:  Respect the ideas of others.  Don't belittle someone simply because you don't agree.  Be polite.