Holiday Webpage Project
Project Criteria
- Students must create a webpage based on the holiday assigned to them in class.
- All pages must be in good taste; no references to alcohol or illegal activities are allowed.
- Project must include at least five pages—
- Introduction page with links to all other pages
- Page on the history of the holiday and traditions associated with the holiday
- Page dedicated to celebration of the holiday (types of celebrations, party ideas, songs, games, etc.)
- Food/recipes appropriate for that holiday or for gatherings for this holiday
- An additional page of your choice that includes links to other webpages on the internet devoted to your holiday. Links might be to things like on-line games, greeting cards for that holiday, songs pages, or general pages that you really like.
- Each webpage must contain a graphic background. There are plenty of appropriate backgrounds available on the net for all holidays.
- Use graphics and color appropriately. Be careful not to overuse graphics, as they make pages difficult to load.
- Webpages will be graded based on creativity, HTML format, use of graphics, adheration to project guidelines, quality of the web site, relevance to topic, grammar/spelling (so have someone check your page before it is graded) and use of class time.
- Any graphics or information used on the webpages must be referenced. Please put a link to anyone’s webpage that you borrow any information or graphic from. This can be in small print or in italics at the bottom of the page.
- Have fun! This is a great project for you to learn about the holidays and to show myself and others just how good you are at creating webpages. Take pride in your work! Remember, these will be on display for the world!