Keyboarding Lesson: Technique Check

Students love chatting or typing races. When you need to focus on student keying technique, using a chat room or typing race is an excellent idea. Be sure to secure a private chat line for your students and have it ready on an easy to locate webpage. Then, tell them to carry on conversations among themselves as you walk around to check their keying technique. This technique check method keeps your classroom quiet and busy. Here is a sample technique checklist that can be adapted as needed.

On these websites, students can play typing games:


Keyboarding Technique Observation Sheet

Student:___________________________________ Date:___________________


Technique Observed

Points Possible

Points Awarded

Keeps feet on floor for proper body balance.



Keeps wrists low and relaxed, off the keyboard and desk.



Keeps fingers curved upright in proper position.



Strikes each key with the proper finger.



Does not pause before or after striking space bar.



Keeps eyes on copy (or screen) during keying.



Reaches enter key with little finger and does not pause at ends of lines.



Makes quick, snappy keystrokes.






Total Score



