To create name badges in WordPerfect, you must know how to do several things:
- Set page to labels format (Format, Labels, pick one, Select)
- Insert a Page Border--line or fancy (Format, Page, Border/Fill)
- Create a data source file (Tools, Merge, Create Data)
- Enter data (Quick entry)
- Create a form file (Tools, Merge, Create Document)
- Perform a merge (Tools, Merge, Perform Merge)
PROJECT #1: Cartoon Character Convention
- Start a new WordPerfect document.
- Create a data source file to enter in character names--Tools, Merge, Create Data.
- Enter the following fields in the top box. Hit Enter on your keyboard after each. Click OK when all have been entered:
firstname, lastname, school
- A quick entry box should appear. Enter in the following information: Mickey Mouse, Disney School; Donald Duck,
Disney School; Daffy Duck, Warner Brothers School; Tommy Pickles, Rugrat School of Fun; Scooby Doo, Hanna
Barbara School of Acting; Bugs Bunny, Warner Brothers School; George Jetson, Hanna Barbara School of Acting; Fred
Flinstone, Hanna Barbara School of Acting
- Close quick entry box and save as: cartoon.dat
- Create a form file--Click Go to Form button, Create
- When the blank sheet comes up, save as: carbadge
- Select Labels Avery 3612.
- Format the label border--Format, Page, Border/Fill--to triple (line border)
- Center the labels top to bottom--Format, Page, Center, Current and Subsequent, OK.
- Click the Insert field button and a box will appear with your field names. Insert the merge code for firstname. Return
- Insert the code for firstname again, space once, and insert lastname. Return.
- Insert the code for school. Close the Insert Field Name box.
- Highlight first line. Center and change to Arial Black, size 22. Change font color for this line only.
- Highlight remaining text. Center and change to Arial, size 12.
- Save again.
- Merge label with data--Click Merge button, then Merge again
- Your labels should be there, all nice and neat!
- Save labels with character names as CARTOON CONVENTION.
- Print.
PROJECT #2: Create Your Own Nametags
Refer to the steps above in doing this project. Using labels style Avery 5395, create a set of nametags for a fictional
conference you will be hosting. You will be having 7 movie stars attend. Create a name badge for each movie star and one
for yourself. For the data file, include the fields: firstname, lastname, movie. You can put tv show in place of movie if you
want. Save data as MYCONF. Create a form document. Include the name of your conference on the badge (make up a
cool title). Center the badges top to bottom. Include a page border. Save form document as MYCONF FORM. Raise your
hand after you have created your data for a check and after you have created the form file for a check. Then, merge, save as
MYCONF BADGES, and print. Good luck!