Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt


Using the internet sites listed below, answer the following questions about Thanksgiving.

Website #1:

Website #2:

Website #3:

Website #4:

  • Which of the following foods did the Pilgrims possibly have on the first Thanksgiving?
    • Ham? (no)
    • Corn on the cob? (no)
    • Turkey? (yes)
    • Indian corn? (yes)
    • Sweet potatoes? (no)
  • When was the national Thanksgiving holiday approved by Congress? (1941)

Website #5:

  • What kind of businesses are likely to give their employees paid time off for Thanksgiving and the day after? (manufacturers)
  • What kind of businesses are likely NOT to give their employes a day off around Thanksgiving? (health care facilities, financial institutions, retail stores, and hotels)

Website #6:

  • What tribe of Indians inhabited the area where the Pilgrims landed in 1620? (Wampanoag)
  • What was the Pilgrim custom for women regarding mealtimes? (they stood quietly behind the table and waited until after their men had eaten before they ate)
  • Out of the original 102 Pilgrims, how many died the first winter? (47)
  • Who was the oldest Pilgrim on the Mayflower? (William Brewster)
  • How many times was William Bradford reelected governor? (30 times)
  • Were most of the Pilgrims Separatists or Puritans? (Separatists)
  • Why aren't leaves green in the fall? (The leaves stop their food-making process and the chlorophyll breaks down due to the length of daylight and cooler temperatures)

Want to have some more fun? Send a Thanksgiving greeting card to your teacher thanking him/her for something. Visit this website--

Have a great Thanksgiving break!