NAME:__________________________________ PAGE:_______________________.html

Content Page contains appropriate title and structure and all pages as assigned. Page is missing one of the required components. Page is missing two of the required components. Page has HTML structure errors and is missing components. Some pages are completely missing.
Page Layout Page demonstrates careful thought about the order in which information is presented. Page layout appears to waste space or appears as being too crowded. Page demonstrates careful thought about the order in which information is presented, but is confusing. Page is difficult to read; text and background colors are not appropriate. Page is difficult to read; text and background colors are not appropriate and layout is confusing or crowded.
Graphics Page contains appropriate graphics, including an appropriate background and simple layout. Images do not use the appropriate image format, but otherwise meet requirements. Too many graphics on pages make page annoying and/or some graphics do not work. Graphics are not appropriate for page and are simply used to take up space. Many graphics do not work or graphics are not present on one or more webpages.
Navigation Major section headings are clear and easy to understand. Links are logical and easily followed. Index page links to all pages on site and all other links work properly. Major section headings are clear and easy to understand. Links are logical and easily followed. Index page links to all pages on site. Some links do not work properly. Major section headings are not clear and easy to understand. Some links do not work properly. Many links do not work properly. Not all original webpages are accessible to user and links are not recognizable.
Design The pages are well organized and include either a table or bulleted list, horizontal rules, and paragraphs. The pages are eye-catching and attractive. Text is easy to read, broken into paragraphs or with line breaks. Low quality graphics are used on page and distract reader from the webpage. Inappropriate text colors are used. Pages appear "busy" or boring. Page design needs work. Page looks like it was created "last minute" and does not show much thought or planning.
Information Information is creatively written with none or a few minor errors. Information is well written and interesting to read and is presented in short sections. A few errors may be present. Information could be better written and too much information is given in each section. Several errors are present. Information is poorly written, inaccurate, or incomplete and/or contains too many errors. Information is not the author's own and appears to be copied word for word from another source.
Advanced Features Multimedia is included on site (video and/or sound files). Other projects are also displayed on webpage. Original buttons are used (made in PSP or other graphics program) Graphics are used as links. Other advanced HTML features are used. No advanced features are used.